The rise of home-working might have come sooner than we imagined, but within this changing world, working from home is certainly here to stay. Remote working has only become possible due to advancements in technology, which has allowed us to stay connected, but which has also come with its own challenges. In order to stay connected and to further the success of home-working it is important for businesses to embrace emerging technology which will enable communication between employees and clients to remain at the forefront of service. VoIP, which stands for Voice-over-internet-protocol, is such an advancement to assure this. 
If we strip back VoIP we can describe it in its simplest form as telecommunications software which allows you to make online calls. However, VoIP offers so much more than this! VoIP has many features, such as, instant messaging, CRM integrations and call queuing. These features and the ease of use of this technological advancement has put it at the forefront of staying connected. 
For business owners and managers VoIP comes with many tools which allows you to manage employees even whilst they’re working from home. With management made easier your business will reap the benefits of having your workforce working from home such as, reduced office overheads and a reduction in the amount of sick days taken. What is truly exciting is how easy it is to use VoIP, meaning business can grow easily even in these difficult times by employing remote personnel. When it comes to your workforce the benefits of VoIP are significant, boosting efficiency and productivity, saving time and costs of commuting. 
The benefits of switching to VoIP now is that you will be streamlining a process which will eventually need to be implemented as the world embraces changes in how we communicate. Importantly, setting up VoIP isn’t a lengthy process nor a costly one, helping you save via the reduced office use and maintenance costs. VoIP is extremely secure, easy to use, quickly set up, improves efficiency and most importantly allows your business to stay connected. 
When implementing VoIP it is important to remember these following features: 
● Call queuing: Having a way to manage incoming calls is an essential aspect of making sure you never miss a colleagues and potential or existing clients message. 
● Tools for management: Allowing you to coach and monitor simply. 
● Call forwarding: Enabling you to direct calls between your devices and your cloud phone. 
● CRM: Realtime information updates. 
● Voicemail: Let people get in touch even when you are not immediately available. 
The benefits of VoIP are abundant and come at a significant time in the business world. This technology can be set up simply and cost-effectively allowing your business and employees to embrace these changing times by connecting not only more easily, but with a true sense of togetherness. Turnkey Telecom Group is here to help you achieve this. 
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